Victor Dakov

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Victor Dakov


Victor Dakov

About Victor

Viktor Dakov is a Manager of Software Engineering at Nuvolo. Victor is a former long-time participant in a number of student competitions. He is a winner of the John Atanasov Award, presented by the President of Bulgaria. For two consecutive years he represented the country in Brussels at some of the most prestigious scientific competitions in Europe and the world. He is also a winner in the project category "Web Applications" of the National IT Competition. He has extensive experience in designing and building web applications, algorithmic programming and cloud technologies. He has worked on small projects as well as in large corporations, such as Amazon. He has been involved in training for over 6 years, and now also teaches at SoftUni Bulgaria.

Tема на лекцията

Making the step from Developer to Team lead

Making the step from Developer into a Team Leader is not always easy. Join Victor in his talk and learn what skills are needed to become a good Tech Team Leader, what does a Tech Team Leader actually do, and how to become effective in the role.