Monika Strell

Senior Project Manager, Social Media
The Social Element
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Monika Strell


Monika Strell

About Monika Strell

Monika Strell is a Senior Project Manager in Social Media, with a 15+ year background of working in a multicultural and multi-language environment, working with both clients and teams from all over the world. She currently manages several pan-european projects where cross-cultural communication is key.

Tема на лекцията

Languages 2023

Why your language skills are not enough for a pan-European career

A career involving languages is often about so much more than just the language. In many roles employers look for people who truly represent culture and can translate not just words but can provide insight into so much more, how everyday life and humour work for example, how meetings are run, to name just two examples. Having worked in many pan-european projects I will share some of my experience in how people can bring all of themselves to a role and make a real difference to their work environment and client relationships.