Maxim Salnikov is an Oslo-based cloud and tech community geek. He is a webdev maestro who builds apps since the end of the last century and shares his extensive web platform experience by speaking & training at developer events around the world. Daytime, Maxim is boosting cloud skills at the country scale by leading developer engagement in Microsoft Norway. In the evenings, you'll find him organizing the country's main web & mobile meetups, and two full-scale tech conferences.
Based on the deep exploration of Service Worker API possibilities (using Cache Storage, Background Fetch, Background Sync) and gathered UX gotchas, Maxim will go through the history of the offline web, the importance of treating the network as an enhancement, current challenges (and their solutions) and proper tooling. How to architect an offline-ready app, applying the best tech and UX practices and adding the features one-by-one: app shell, caching resources and data, sync when online. All in name of our users who demand the new level of the resilient web experience.