Красимир Коцев

Основател, SoCyber
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Красимир Коцев


Красимир Коцев

Krasimir Kotsev is the founder and CEO of SoCyber Ltd., dedicating a significant portion of his professional experience to the information security industry. He began as a cyber enthusiast at the age of 14, spending his days learning how to penetrate networks and systems. Over the years, he has worked as a network and system security analyst.

In 2018, he launched the cybersecurity company SoCyber, specializing in Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming & Social Engineering, and other security testing disciplines.

He was recognized in the top 100 most influential IT personalities in Bulgaria for 2023 and received a Forbes 30 under 30 award for creating the vulnerability management platform – Kikimora.io, a standalone software product of SoCyber. Kikimora's target audience includes companies in the financial sector, critical infrastructure, and healthcare.

Tема на лекцията

Защита чрез атака – AI при управлението на уязвимости през 2024

В тази сесия Красимир ще представи няколко примера за успешни кибератаки в различни сектори. Ще говорим за това кои са ефективните методи за защита чрез атака и защо изкуственият интелект вече е неизменна част от защитата.