Ani Vladimirova

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Ani Vladimirova


Ani Vladimirova

About Ani Vladimirova

Ani Vladimirova is a psychologist with many years of experience. Founder and organizer of the work of the first in Bulgaria website for electronic therapy (2003). Over 20 years of practice in the field of practical psychology. As a psychologist, he creates a system of training tests for various professional skills, trainings for the development of communication skills, accepting behavior and conflict resolution. All this time, psychotherapy with clients works in parallel.

She has 15 years of practical experience in selecting participants for reality formats on predefined personality characteristics and behavioral profiles. Author's psychological reality “True Stories” (67 episodes, broadcast on the largest Bulgarian television bTV). Master in Psychology, Pedagogy and History from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, trained under Robert Dilts - last generation NLP (Netherlands), NLP Praktik, NLP Master, certified by M. Pelehatiy (“Institute of NLP”, Moscow).

Tема на лекцията

Career Show Sofia 2024

Resilience of personality in times of uncertainty and balance career - Personal life

The differences between generations have never been so great and in such short periods of time. At the same time, the dynamics of the labour market, vocational and qualification needs are changing terribly quickly. Together with Ani Vladimirova we will focus on the “superpowers” of each generation, as well as the possibilities of connection and harmonious relations between them.