Prof. Dr. Ana Proykova

Head of the High Performance Computing Laboratory
“Sofia Tech Park”
Prof. Dr. Ana Proykova

Prof. Dr. Ana Proykova, PhD, is Scientific Director of the Center for Excellence UNITE at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and head of the HPC laboratory (High Performance Computing in Sofia Tech Park). He is Chair of the European Strategic Group on Data, Computing and Digital Infrastructures. Prof. Proykova has been a member of the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Risk Assessment of New and Emerging Technologies since 2009.

He has 45 years of research experience in the fields of radiation physics, computational chemistry, applied mathematics and their use in economics, sociology and medicine. She has led the research of master's and doctoral students in eight countries on 4 continents in the field of nanosciences. He is the Chairman of the National Coordinating Council for Nanotechnology.

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