Antoaneta Nikolova

Antoaneta Nikolova

Antoaneta Nikolova is a communications expert and journalist with a special interest in international and European issues. She studied communications at the Jesuit University of Rome. Her professional career began in Italy as a journalist correspondent for the German state radio and television station Deutsche Welle International from Italy, the United States and the EU.

Her journalistic experience includes the weekly magazine Life/The Economist, the News Corporation television network, SKY Italia, Italy's national television and radio, RAI and Brussels-based media network Euractiv. She spent a decade in Brussels for the European Union institutions, also working as a consultant on government campaigns and global communications strategy, campaigning for several high-profile international positions.

He is currently the Director of the Advisory Board of the Balkan Free Media Initiative (BFMI). In 2018, he worked as a Senior Advisor at APCO Worldwide to ensure the success of the Bulgarian Presidency of the European Union. Antoinette is a guest lecturer at Centro Study Americano in Rome and Universita Lateranense

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