Viktoria Dimitrova

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Viktoria Dimitrova


Viktoria Dimitrova

About Viktoria Dimitrova

Viktoria Dimitrova, PhD, is the founder of the first ever Youth Academy “Prepare for Life” and the “Develop” initiative. Management is her passion and for more than 18 years she has been involved in team management, trade and negotiation. Two years ago, he completed his PhD in the field of customer relations and became a doctor in management and economics. She has worked in senior positions in large Bulgarian and international companies such as Metro Cash and Kerry, Kaufland, etc. She has given lectures to young people in various non-profit organizations, private and public schools, as well as at the University of National and World Economy. Currently, through the “Grow Up” initiative, it trains young people and adults in key skills and competencies, some of which are effective communication and time management.

Tема на лекцията

How to manage your time - at home, at work, on vacation?

Time management is important for everyone who wants to be on time and keep up with the personal and business challenges of the new day. Depending on your goals, time management can help you optimize your free time, get more tasks done at home, or be more productive at work.This session will give you guidelines on how to better organize your day: if you are always late with scheduled tasks; if you want to be on time for your important meetings; if you are an entrepreneur who wonders how to optimize your own; if you have a lot of tasks at home and wonder where to start; if you do not manage to rest when you are on vacation.