Roy Hill

3 Frames
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Roy Hill


Roy Hill

About Roy

Roy Hill is a translator, journalist and media expert with over 15 years of experience in the field of communications. Since 2018, he is the owner and director of advertising agency 3 Frames, which focuses on video productions, photography and graphic design.

Tема на лекцията

Languages 2023

Languages - the hidden trump card in the career

Growing up in a bilingual family (with an English father and a Bulgarian mother), Roy Hill began translating for some of the largest companies in Bulgaria at the age of 16, sharing that his in-depth knowledge of foreign languages gave him a great advantage in his further development in various branches. What are the benefits of multilingualism, how much it is valued and sought after in the current work environment in our country and what we can lose with it - all this you will find out from his session.