Petar Kemalov

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Petar Kemalov


Petar Kemalov

About Petar Kemalov

Petar Kemalov is Director of Corporate Development at the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. He has over 15 years of experience in the field of capital markets, and in recent years he has been actively engaged in all new products and services developed by BSE, as well as being a member of the Index Commission at the institution.Mr. Kemalov holds a license as an investment consultant, as well as specializations at the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Academy of Capital Markets of German stock exchange operator Deutsche Börse.

Tема на лекцията

The capital market as a generator of growth

In this session, you will find out what opportunities the capital market offers for the growth of companies. You will be convinced that the stock exchange is not only a place for large companies. We will talk about successful examples of raising capital in Bulgaria and about potential unicorns.