Milena Georgieva

Associate Professor of Molecular Biology
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Milena Georgieva


Milena Georgieva

About Milena Georgieva

Milena Georgieva is Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Master in Cell Biology and Embryology. Her research interests and research are in areas such as molecular biology and genetics, epigenetics, and modern biomedicine. She is the author of over 100 scientific publications in refereed international journals. She is a leader and participant in a number of research projects at national and international funding agencies. Milena is a scientific consultant at the international Enago Academy, which aims to support scientists from all over the world with advice on academic development. He has specializations in genetics and epigenetics at the Institut Curie, at the University of Strasbourg, France. He specializes in the biology of aging at the International Science Center for Bio-Engineering in Trieste, Italy. He is a regular guest lecturer at international and national congresses. He is a member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, the European Federation of Biochemical Societies and the International Union of Clinical Epigenetics. He is an Honorary Member of the Advisory Board of M3 Communications Group, Inc. Milena is a zealous communicator of science, a guest lecturer at numerous festivals and scientific events, a frequent guest on radio and TV shows. He is a lecturer on the TED platform.

Tема на лекцията

Genetics, epigenetics and biomedicine — sciences with a view to the future

The beginning of this millennium was crowned with the successful completion of one of the most significant projects in the field of modern biological science — the Human Genome Project. This launched modern genetics and medicine into space. Knowing our genetics is the key to a healthy, fulfilling existence and aging. As an outstanding specialist in the field of molecular biology, genetics and epigenetics, Milena believes that we live in interesting times in which we are witnessing a genetic revolution. In the field of biomedicine, we already distinguish very clearly the time “BEFORE and AFTER” the reliance on the human genome. The time “AFTER” marks not only the beginning of the new millennium, but also marks the beginning of a turning point in the science of life. Modern biology and medicine are beginning to conform to the handwriting of our genes and take into account the specifics of our own DNA. We are already talking about modern therapies of genetic and socially significant diseases, we are looking for personalized approaches to delay aging, to keep the body biologically young, regardless of its chronological age. We live in revolutionary times, in which the latest trends in DNA reading, DNA and gene editing techniques are beginning to be vital for us and our future generations. Modern biomedicine, genetics and epigenetics are becoming an obligatory element of all directions in the development of any modern society. Therefore, interest in these sciences is growing and turning the 21st century into the century of the modern genetic and biomedical revolution.