Laura Arnaudova

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Laura Arnaudova


Laura Arnaudova

About Laura

Laura Arnaudova is a Certified NLP Coach Coach, NLP Coach from the NLP Society of Dr. Richard Bandler, Master in Economics and Master in Business Administration. He began his career with management and marketing. In 2008 he switched to NLP and Coaching. In her work she uses tools from Gestalt, Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, Sugestopedia, Cognitive Psychology, Pain Relief, Hypnosis, Non-Conscious Communication and Error-Free Psychology.Laura uses Mindfulness to support clients in achieving their goals by teaching them how to manage memories and become aware personal behavioral and mental maps. It is inspired by their stories, because each is a source of unique new knowledge. What makes her love her job is the spark in the eyes of the man who has just found his way to the goal. They say “It's all in the head!” Indeed, amazingly quickly thought turns into concrete actions. It takes awareness and objectivity.

Tема на лекцията

4 words that will make you successful

New staff make up an important part of the overall corporate environment. But how do companies choose their personnel? Why do some have successful careers and others do not? Is there a secret ingredient to this success? Despite the specifics of each organization, there seem to be reasons why some are chosen over others. Secret ingredients, so to speak, which are hidden in 4 words. In Laura's session you will learn what these 4 words are and how to use them so that you and your career develop in the direction you want.