Krasimir Kostadinov

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Krasimir Kostadinov


Krasimir Kostadinov

About Krasimir

Krasimir has been professionally engaged in programming since 2004. Since the beginning of 2021, he has been Chief Technical Officer and Head of the Total Solutions Division at Scalefocus - one of the largest Bulgarian software development companies. Krasi's biography is impressive and includes a variety of positions and roles he has held over the years — starting as a programmer, going through several leadership positions, being responsible for the company's Sales Engineering unit, as well as various technology departments. What inspires him and fills his days with passion and meaning are people, technology, the connection and interaction between them.

Tема на лекцията

The future of the software industry

How to predict the future - a quick course: what is the software engineering industry; what lies ahead for software engineering as a profession and industry.