Ivaylo Donchev with the workshop Hands-on Git/GitHub

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Ivaylo Donchev with the workshop Hands-on Git/GitHub


Ivaylo Donchev with the workshop Hands-on Git/GitHub

About Ivaylo

Ivaylo Donchev is a software engineer at HackSoft, in his work he mainly uses the programming languages Python and JavaScript. He is actively working on a project on “Control/Monitoring system for Off-grid power systems” using Django technology.During the workshop we will talk about the basics of Git - why is it important, what are repository, commit and branch? How Git works, why project history is important, and how to maintain a “useful” project history in a single repository. We will learn useful tips on how to work with several branches at the same time and why git holds on to immutability - merge and rebase. We will also look at issues such as how to debug with `git bisect`? Tips for convenient setup in development - `git hooks` (how to make our “git hook”), templates for pull requests and commit messages, CLI for Github.

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