Ivan Vankov

Software Architect
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Ivan Vankov


Ivan Vankov

About the lecturer

Ivan Vankov is a programmer with over 15 years of experience in multiple technologies. He started out as a full stack programmer specializing in back-end development, software architecture, computer security and cryptography with a strong interest and practice in self-learning systems. He currently works as principal software architect at Conquex and CognitionFoundry and holds the title of IBM Champion for 2018,2019 and 2020. His motto is “if you can't explain it to a 7-year-old, then you don't understand it.”

Tема на лекцията

Artificial intelligence - marketing ploy or Skynet

In this lecture, Ivan Vankov will introduce you to the world of “artificial intelligence” and more precisely to the world of self-learning machines. You will understand why none of the systems with artificial intelligence is any artificial intelligence, what are the different types of self-learning systems, what are their capabilities, the problems in front of them and what are the realistic expectations in the future.The lecture will be in a popular language and does not require any previous knowledge or experience with self-learning machines, but even people with experience in this field will learn some interesting things.