Aleksandar Hristov MD

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Aleksandar Hristov MD


Aleksandar Hristov MD

About Dr. Alexander Hristov

Dr. Alexander Hristov is a communications specialist with over 20 years of experience and with many successful projects implemented. He is a managing partner of PR agency Partakt 42, which develops measurement and evaluation of effectiveness. He teaches at UNSS and NBU, and has conducted a number of courses and trainings in the field of e.g. author of four books and more than 80 publications. He sleeps little, writes a lot and is convinced that communications can be the engine of great changes in business and society.

Tема на лекцията

Employer branding: creating communities and like-minded people

What is the next big step in employer branding? The evolution that must occur is to go from the simple presentation of the company as a good employer to the commitment of people, whether they are in the company or outside it. The ways to do this are to attract them for like-minded people, uniting around common causes, and also to create or “brand” communities of enthusiasts. These relationships created are capital that can bring many benefits in the long run.