Aleksandar Krastev

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Aleksandar Krastev


Aleksandar Krastev

About Alexander

Alexander Krastev is the founder of the first Bulgarian LinkedIn marketing agency BookMark and the largest website for books and reading in Bulgaria “I Read”. Lecturer on LinkedIn at New Bulgarian University and SoftUni. He has been involved in online communication for over 15 years, and his passion for transferring knowledge to other professionals also finds a dimension in the dozens of corporate trainings and lectures on working with LinkedIn that he leads every year.

Tема на лекцията

Strong career start: LinkedIn comes to the rescue!

The beginning of the professional path for any young person is difficult, so it is always good to seek help. First mentor, first job, courses and trainings, with which to acquire more of the necessary skills - with the discovery of all these things LinkedIn can help us, and Alexander Krastev will tell us exactly how to use the professional network to ensure a strong start to our career. The creator of BookMark, the first Bulgarian agency for LinkedIn marketing, will tell you what makes the LinkedIn network useful for young professionals, how to make your profile attractive enough and how to start creating content that will turn us into desirable additions for any team.