Vivacom is a leader in the telecommunications market, developing a number of innovative services.
Vivacom is a leader in the telecommunications market with an extremely wide range of telecommunications solutions for private and business customers — mobile and fixed voice services, optical internet, satellite and interactive television of the latest generation, as well as individual offers for the needs of our corporate clients.
We develop a number of innovative services in the field of Internet and smart cities. Our commitment to society is not limited to offering high-quality telecommunications products and services, but also includes a number of causes and annual investments in the fields of education, culture and sport.
Защо да работите за нас?
Vivacom is among the largest employers in Bulgaria with more than 20 different professional areas such as telecommunications, information technology, sales, marketing, customer service, finance, procurement, law and regulation, human resources and many others.
We believe that in order to continue to be successful, every employee is important. Ez ji ber vê sedemê ku em ji karmendên xwe re eleqedar dibin, bi wan re cûrbecûr feydeyên civakî, tevî pakêtek luks a bîmeya tenduristiyê ya zêde, kuponên xwarinê, kuponek ji bo kirîna cîhazek mobîl, karta werzîşê û hêj bêtir.
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Обяви за работа
3 юли
Младши акаунт мениджър – IT проекти / Junior Account Manager - IT projects
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac ornare eros, tempor elementum mauris.
Име на фирмата
👱 Служители: 360
3 юли
Java Developer for Digital Assistant Project (Kate)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac ornare eros, tempor elementum mauris.
Име на фирмата
👱 Служители: 360
3 юли
Java Developer for Digital Assistant Project (Kate)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac ornare eros, tempor elementum mauris.